Friday, April 3, 2009

Girl Scout Comics Badge

Eden at Comicsgirl posted a really great piece about the Comics Badge, and the scout leader that created it.

I really hope to do more with this. I have ideas, but I am trying to figure the best way to go about things.

I was really happy to read what she wrote about it. I feel good about the activities we did, I think they were very true to the intent of the badge's originator.

What I want to see now is some sort of Girl Scouts & Friends of Lulu collaboration with regard to this type of activity, and getting it to be designated an official GSUSA badge somehow.

The other thing I am excited about encouraging, is some sort of program on a larger scale. My first step is to try and organize a workshop in our service unit that would be open to as many troops as are interested. It is my goal that we could find local or relatively local women who do some sort of work in comics to participate as well.

So many ideas are sloshing around, I will post more if anything starts to solidify.

1 comment:

Eden said...

I know that when I was a Girl Scout, there was a "books" badge, which I'm pretty sure I earned (it was one of the ones I earned on my own). This was nearly 20 years ago, of course ... I don't know what kind of exciting badges they have now. I think a comics badge isn't too much of a leap.

But thanks for your praise and thanks for pointing me to this story.