Here are the competing entries for May (Alpha order)
As is evident from just the small ad icons, This month has absolutely fantastic art, and wildly varied styles and genres. There are no entries that I felt were awful, no premises that I thought were flat out awful, etc. Some of these aren't developed in a way that gets you hooked completely in eight pages, and that is the first criteria by which I thinned the field for my vote.
That was the easy part. After reading and re-reading, I finally thinned the field to my personal favorite three. For me that's Sides, Freak City, and Clandestino. Each of these is great, and certainly deserves to go on. I hope they all continue somewhere, as I would love to keep reading them (among other entries as well). I finally based my vote on what I thought was the most unique when viewed against past Zuda winners. In that regard, for me, Clandestino is the one I would like to see win the contest for this month. That was not at all my initial thought when I read it. It was in the running, but didn't move to the front for me before I had read everything a few times and started to work out what made a winner for me.
Obviously, no-one is obligated to put that much thought and effort into their vote, but taking it seriously is part of what makes it fun for me.
Remember kids... Comics on Zuda are best viewed in full screen mode. If you have the skills to reach the website, you have the skills to enjoy Zuda.
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